With 50 and 100-year floods seemingly every other week in New Zealand and Australia, unprecedented heat waves in Europe, and freak hailstorms in Mexico, just to name a few recent severe weather events, the impacts of climate change are well and truly being felt around the world.
Agribusinesses join with government on emissions research centre
A number of agribusiness heavyweights have signed up to be part of the government’s proposed research centre tasked with reducing agricultural emissions.
EECA Guidance for Smart Homes released
EECA has commissioned Standards New Zealand to produce a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) for Smart Homes, to help New Zealanders understand how they can make their existing home ‘smart’ and begin the transition to this new technology.
Synlait – Phase 1 of off-farm decarbonisation roadmap completed
Synlait Milk Limited (Synlait) has completed two key projects, which sees the first phase of its
decarbonisation roadmap completed.
Suncorp NZ on pace to meet new net zero goals
Suncorp New Zealand said that it is on track to meet the Suncorp Group’s new net zero targets, having achieved both its prior FY22 and FY30 targets (22% and 51% reduction, respectively) well ahead of schedule.
Climate change: Huge implications for Ngāi Tahu with ‘managed retreat’
Sunken cars, deluged houses and businesses, paddocks under water.
Images from last month’s flooding in Whakatū (Nelson) are still fresh in our minds.
500 homes were evacuated when the region received three times the average monthly rainfall in just five days. Thankfully, no-one died.
Shaking it up: 5 ways The Warehouse is helping change getting from A to B
We know that to protect our planet we all must do our bit – making those little changes that can make a difference. It helps when The Warehouse Group is already trying hard to support everyday Kiwis with this, trialling initiatives and new innovations to see what impact they might have.
Air New Zealand to fly on sustainable aviation fuel from next week
Air New Zealand plans to start flying its aircraft partly on sustainable aviation fuel made from recycled cooking oil and animal waste from next week.
Silver Fern Farms – Moving more with less impact
Meat processor Silver Fern Farms is moving more animals over fewer kilometres, thanks to a digital real-time transport management system.
Lion New Zealand reduces emissions by 10%, committed to carbon zero
Lion New Zealand, Aotearoa’s largest alcohol beverages company, has reduced its carbon emissions by 10 per cent meeting its carbon emissions reduction commitments as part of its Toitū net carbonzero organisation certification
Genesis launches new ‘roaming’ EV charging plan
Genesis has detailed a new approach to charging electric vehicles called EVerywhere, designed to make it cheaper and easier to charge your car away from home.
A New Zealand-first in climate change action – 3R Group
A new waste management facility with the power to destroy climate change causing gases is set to be built in Aotearoa New Zealand for the first time.