Join Us

With close to 90 signatories representing 32% of GDP, the Climate Leaders Coalition is a CEO-led community of like-minded businesses leading the way to a zero carbon and climate resilient future.

Joining the Coalition is a credible way of demonstrating your organisation’s climate leadership.

In order to join, you must be meeting the minimum requirements set out in our Statement of Ambition:

  • Measuring your emissions and reporting them publicly;
  • Adopting short-term gross absolute science aligned targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions to support the delivery of substantial reductions needed to limit future warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius;
  • Assessing climate change risks and publicly disclosing them; and
  • Proactively enabling employees and suppliers to reduce their emissions.

All signatories must be meeting the Statement of Ambition in full by September 2025 at the latest.

Why should businesses join CLC?

Hear from CLC CEO Convenor and Spark CEO Jolie Hodson

Hear from CLC CEO Steering Group member and Toyota NZ CEO Neeraj Lala

Hear from CLC CEO Steering Group member & thinkstep-anz CEO Barbara Nebel

Signatory Benefits

Networking opportunities

We aim to hold at least one major in-person Coalition event each year, with smaller events throughout the year, including CEO-only events.

Advocacy for effective climate action

We support Aotearoa’s climate commitments and work with SBC to promote the need for cross-party climate policy support needed to give businesses and communities the certainty needed to invest and transform. This includes consulting with signatories to develop submissions on key policies like the Emissions Reduction Plan and National Adaptation Plan.

Mentoring programme

We operate an opt-in mentoring programme that is designed to help signatories make faster progress towards meeting the Statement of Ambition through peer-to-peer support to advance your organisation’s climate action.

Support to meet the Statement of Ambition

We release guidance to help signatories meet the Statement of Ambition requirements and continue to look for ways to facilitate opportunities for signatories to build their collective capability and understand good practice including through the monthly Masterclass series and the business-to-business mentoring programme.

Masterclass series

We hold monthly online Masterclasses, typically led by a signatory, which offer suggestions for best practice and accelerating progress. Topics covered enable signatories to build capability and support achievement of the Statement of Ambition requirements.

Championing signatories’ climate action

The Coalition is recognised publicly for its leadership, and signatories have access to Coalition-branded collateral to promote their involvement. Through our Snapshot Reports and across our digital channels, we amplify signatories' action and transparently demonstrate their progress on meeting the Statement of Ambition commitments.

Ready to chat?

Contact us to talk about joining. The membership process involves reviewing your application form to ensure you meet the minimum requirements of the Statement of Ambition and paying an annual membership fee.

Email us at [email protected]

Manager - Climate Leaders Coalition

Membership Manager

What does it cost to join?

Each signatory is expected to contribute towards communications and administration support for the Coalition. This is facilitated through the Sustainable Business Council. Please see here our current annual fee structure. The annual fees run from July to June and signatories joining during a year will be invoiced pro rata.

Zero carbon and climate resilient future

Contact Us