Signatory News

Rail freight saved 230,000 tonnes of emissions

Rail freight saved 230,000 tonnes of emissions

KiwiRail’s latest data shows that in the financial year ending June 30, 2024, goods carried on rail reduced transport CO2 emissions by 229,434 tonnes (based on national average emissions factors), compared with the emissions that would have been created carrying those...

JLL and NZGBC collaborate on green certification report

JLL and NZGBC collaborate on green certification report

Our latest data shows green-certified buildings command higher values and are more sought-after than assets that are not certified. In this report, produced in conjunction with the New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC), we delve into the trends and insights...

Genesis secures new solar site in Bay of Plenty

Genesis secures new solar site in Bay of Plenty

Genesis Energy has taken another step in delivering on its commitment to solar development after securing an advanced stage, 127 MWp consented site near Edgecumbe in the Bay of Plenty. The site is expected to start generating electricity in 2026.

New Zealanders call for greater focus on risk reduction

New Zealanders call for greater focus on risk reduction

New Zealanders want a greater focus on reducing the impacts of climate change, according to the latest climate change poll* by IAG. 65% of New Zealanders say they want to see more focus and resource put into reducing the impacts of climate-related hazards.