Latest from the Coalition

SBC Hot Seat with Shannil Varma (CLC Manager)
This week, we've got Shannil Varma, Manager of the Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC), in the hot seat. Shannil's role sits within the Climate and Nature team at SBC (which is the secretariat organisation for CLC), and he oversees all the day-to-day operations and...

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor
The Climate Leaders Coalition welcomes Genesis CEO Malcolm Johns as the Coalition’s new convenor, succeeding Spark CEO Jolie Hodson MNZM. Since 2018, the CEO-led Coalition, made up of 87 signatories and accounting for around 30 percent of New Zealand’s GDP, has helped...

CLC Steering Group Convenor Jolie Hodson receives King’s Birthday Honours
We are so proud to see Spark New Zealand CEO and CLC Steering Group Convenor Jolie Hodson recognised earlier this week in the King’s Birthday Honours, alongside many other incredible New Zealanders. Jolie, your leadership of the Climate Leaders Coalition has helped...

CLC and SBC welcome inquiry into bipartisan adaptation framework
SBC and CLC welcome Friday’s announcement from Government around a bipartisan inquiry into an enduring climate adaptation framework for New Zealand, which is consistent with the recommendations we have made in our pre-election policy priorities paper. “Such a...
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NZGBC report: Closing the gap Hidden emissions and untapped potential of buildings to reduce costs and deliver for carbon budgets
This report sets out some simple steps New Zealand can take to make energy use of our buildings transparent. This will enable the construction and property sector to measure the energy efficiency of...

Genesis and Spark announce 10-year renewable energy partnership
Genesis Energy (Genesis) and Spark New Zealand (Spark) today announced a new partnership that will support the development of new renewable energy capacity in Aotearoa and the delivery of Spark’s...

Victoria University research shows wind turbines pay back lifecycle emissions in <2 years
Wind turbines in New Zealand pay back their lifecycle carbon emissions after just 1.5 years of operation, researchers from Victoria University in Wellington have found. The researchers looked at...

Ministry for the Environment releases climate scenarios toolkit
The primary purpose of this toolkit is to support central government agencies with accessing relevant climate scenarios information to test policies and decision making. Other entities, such as...

Auckland Transport releases Fareshare employer subsidy scheme
Auckland Transport (AT) is expanding its Fareshare scheme which gives employers a way of subsidising a proportion of their staff’s public transport travel costs. Businesses are welcoming the...

CLC and SBC welcome inquiry into bipartisan adaptation framework
SBC and CLC welcome Friday’s announcement from Government around a bipartisan inquiry into an enduring climate adaptation framework for New Zealand, which is consistent with the recommendations we...

Climate now a housing issue: research reveals a whopping 90% want flood info when buying
New nationwide research from insurers AMI, State and NZI released today reveals that climate concerns have grown to the point that 86% of people would now consider climate risk when choosing a home,...

Air New Zealand welcomes James Shaw to Sustainability Advisory Panel
Air New Zealand is pleased to welcome two new members to its Sustainability Advisory Panel, including former Green Party Co-Leader and Minister for Climate Change, James Shaw and Matteo Mirolo, the...

Mission Next Gen Aircraft: Air New Zealand announces airport selection
Air New Zealand has today announced that it has selected Wellington and Marlborough Airports as the ports for its first all-electric aircraft. Air New Zealand announced the purchase of its first...

Cogo & Personetics introduce AI-powered sustainable banking
Carbon footprint management specialist Cogo is partnering with Personetics, the AI-driven personalised digital banking engagement platform, to usher in a new era of climate-conscious banking....

Air New Zealand inks its largest deal for sustainable aviation fuel
Air New Zealand and Neste have signed an agreement for nine million litres of neat Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™. The deal represents the largest purchase of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)...

ASB and ANZ among new AgriZeroNZ shareholders, boosting emissions tool fund by $18 million
The a2 Milk Company, ANZ Bank New Zealand and ASB Bank are the latest big names to get behind AgriZeroNZ and its efforts to equip Kiwi farmers with tools to reduce emissions. Announcing the new...