Latest from the Coalition

SBC Hot Seat with Shannil Varma (CLC Manager)
This week, we've got Shannil Varma, Manager of the Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC), in the hot seat. Shannil's role sits within the Climate and Nature team at SBC (which is the secretariat organisation for CLC), and he oversees all the day-to-day operations and...

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor
The Climate Leaders Coalition welcomes Genesis CEO Malcolm Johns as the Coalition’s new convenor, succeeding Spark CEO Jolie Hodson MNZM. Since 2018, the CEO-led Coalition, made up of 87 signatories and accounting for around 30 percent of New Zealand’s GDP, has helped...

CLC Steering Group Convenor Jolie Hodson receives King’s Birthday Honours
We are so proud to see Spark New Zealand CEO and CLC Steering Group Convenor Jolie Hodson recognised earlier this week in the King’s Birthday Honours, alongside many other incredible New Zealanders. Jolie, your leadership of the Climate Leaders Coalition has helped...

CLC and SBC welcome inquiry into bipartisan adaptation framework
SBC and CLC welcome Friday’s announcement from Government around a bipartisan inquiry into an enduring climate adaptation framework for New Zealand, which is consistent with the recommendations we have made in our pre-election policy priorities paper. “Such a...
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The new $100m green investment fund could help upcycle older buildings
Commercial building specialists are eyeing the Government’s new $100 million “green” investment fund to help upcycle New Zealand’s old buildings. Engineering consultants Beca said there was a huge opportunity to improve New Zealand’s building stock, now believed to be belching out 20 per cent of New Zealand’s carbon pollution.

Why we’re not moving climate change from our agenda
Chief Operating Officer for Global Operations Robert Spurway talks about the changes our manufacturing sites are making to improve their environmental footprint. Small changes can add up to big impacts.

Countdown launches its first electric vehicle charging stations
Countdown, in partnership with WEL Networks, has installed three charging sites at five of its Waikato supermarkets – a first for the retailer. Electric vehicle (EV) users can charge their cars for free at either Countdown Hamilton, Countdown Bridge Street, Countdown Claudelands, Countdown St James or Countdown Huntly.

Farming sustainably
Tiaki, the sustainable dairying programme launched by Fonterra last year, is ticking all the boxes for farmers. The programme, which helps farmers farm in more sustainable ways, has been in place for a year. At its launch Fonterra set an initial target of having 1000 farm environment plans in place.

Climate change: why business action counts
Two-thirds of New Zealanders agree that climate change is the biggest problem the world is facing today, according to a 2017 Colmar Brunton survey. And in the Deloitte BusinessNZ Pre-Election Survey, climate change was one of the top 10 government-related issues for business, and more than 40% of respondents thought that climate change would affect the costs of input to their business.

Z Energy says EV take-up will drive charger installs
Source: Sharechat
Speaking at the New Zealand Emissions Workshop on Wednesday, Sustainability and community manager Gerri Ward says Z Energy is ready for the rapid expansion of electric vehicles.

Tiwai Expansion showcases New Zealand’s renewable advantage
As well as being a good for our business and great for the Southland region, this new contract helps Meridian to take action on climate change. The more aluminium that is produced in New Zealand using mainly renewable energy, the more this displaces production of aluminium using fossil fuel alternatives overseas.

New tool helps farmers gauge carbon footprint
Meridian Energy and Westpac NZ are proud to support a new carbon calculator that gives farmers a guide to the size of their carbon footprint. The tool has been developed by Lincoln University’s Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) and Agrilink NZ, with financial assistance from Meridian Energy and Westpac NZ. It is available at

Ports of Auckland to build Auckland’s first hydrogen production and refuelling facility
In a first for Auckland, Ports of Auckland has committed to build a hydrogen production and refuelling facility at its Waitematā port. The company, and project partners Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and KiwiRail, will invest in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles including port equipment, buses and cars as part of the project.

Have yourself a very sustainable Christmas
It’s that time of year again! We know that you’ve been working hard on your carbon, energy and environmental management through the year, so don’t blow out at Christmas! Our team have put together a list of the top tips to help you increase the fun whilst reducing your environmental impact.

energyclubnz – 10 small steps for families to join the fight against climate change
Families often feel overwhelmed by the scale of the climate challenge issue.
They are told there is a major problem but are not often helped on what they can do to help. This was my view a few years ago.

Countdown reduces carbon emissions by 8.8%
Reducing its carbon emissions by 8.8 per cent, was a highlight included in Countdown’s latest Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report, which was released today.
The 2018 report publicly tracks Countdown’s progress towards meeting its 20 ambitious Corporate Social Responsibility goals, which were set in 2017 to be achieved by 2020.