
Latest from the Coalition

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

CLC and SBC welcome inquiry into bipartisan adaptation framework

SBC and CLC welcome Friday’s announcement from Government around a bipartisan inquiry into an enduring climate adaptation framework for New Zealand, which is consistent with the recommendations we have made in our pre-election policy priorities paper. “Such a...

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Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

First NZ autonomous shuttle debuts at Christchurch Airport

Christchurch’s autonomous vehicle trial is changing up a gear with today’s introduction of New Zealand’s first Smart Shuttle.

The second stage of the ongoing Autonomous Vehicle (AV) trial on private roads at Christchurch Airport will now centre on the new vehicle, which went public today at the airport.

Chief Executive Malcolm Johns says it’s time to ride the future.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Flick Electric – the two policies that will define our zero carbon future

With the release of the Zero Carbon Bill, Flick CEO Steve O’Connor worries that our zero carbon ambitions will be impeded by an electricity market that’s not working as it should.

Right now, we’re sandwiched between two pieces of policy work that have the potential to shape fundamental outcomes in the electricity industry: the recently-announced Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill and the final recommendations of the Electricity Price Review panel.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Al Gore names 40 kiwi apprentices of his climate change movement

Former US Vice President Al Gore has appointed 40 New Zealanders as “apprentices” of his global climate change movement.

The Climate Reality Project, which was founded after the release of Gore’s 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, appoints and trains “Climate Reality Leaders” from around the world to spearhead efforts in their local communities.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Climate Reality Leadership – it’s for all of us

Last week, four members of our expert team; Sophia White, Ronja Lidenhammar, Kate Ellingham and Bronwyn Cook, were honoured to attend former US Vice President Al Gore’s brainchild The Climate Reality Project Leadership Corps training in Brisbane, Australia.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Auckland Mayor hits million trees mark

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff has this morning fulfilled his pledge of planting a million trees in this term of council.

The Mayor planted the millionth tree – a Puriri – at a public planting event at Totara Park in Manukau alongside more than 250 volunteers, mana whenua representatives and partners including the Department of Corrections and Te Uru Rakau – Forestry NZ.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Kiwi Property is tapping into sun-power with 672 solar panels at Northlands Mall

Kiwi Property has flicked the switch on 672 solar panels at Northlands Mall in Christchurch as part of New Zealand’s largest solar power programme. The leading property company is partnered with Meridian Energy to install almost 2500 rooftop solar panels on its shopping centres – in Christchurch at Northlands, at the Plaza in Palmerston North, The Base in Hamilton and Lynn Mall in Auckland.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

The Warehouse Group – making good on our EV commitment

The future of transportation has arrived at The Warehouse Group.

Today, we’re excited to share that our commitment to transition 30% of our light vehicles fleet to Electric Vehicles (EV) by end of this year (as announced in 2016) is on track. To date, 60% of our cars have been ordered and allocated to us, which equates to 43 of the 70 total vehicles which will be replaced.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Reflections from Al Gore’s #climatereality training – Meridian Energy

Fresh from the three day Australian Climate Change Conference with Al Gore, Meridian CFO Mike Roan says it’s time to step up.
“I like to think of myself as an eternal optimist. And, as a Dad, I’m conscious of the future our children will face from the actions (and inaction) my generation is responsible for.

If there’s one thing I gained from this conference, it was the absolute clarity of what we must achieve – for our sake and for the sake of our planet. We are incredibly lucky to be at a juncture in time where we can make a difference.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Contact invests in Simply Energy

Contact Energy has invested in an innovative energy solutions company to help commercial and industrial customers reduce their carbon footprint and accelerate our strategy to decarbonise New Zealand’s energy system.