
Latest from the Coalition

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

CLC and SBC welcome inquiry into bipartisan adaptation framework

SBC and CLC welcome Friday’s announcement from Government around a bipartisan inquiry into an enduring climate adaptation framework for New Zealand, which is consistent with the recommendations we have made in our pre-election policy priorities paper. “Such a...

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Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Vector – End-of-life electric vehicle batteries could power homes and businesses

Vector, New Zealand’s leading distributor of electricity and gas, is exploring the possibility of turning end-of-life Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries into affordable power storage for homes and businesses.

In collaboration with Relectrify, an Australian battery control technology growth firm, the trial is testing the capability of EV batteries to be converted into electricity storage batteries.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Watercare – Solar energy for wastewater an exciting landmark

Watercare has entered the solar energy market and installed solar panels at the Pukekohe Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The 400 ground-mounted solar panels project, creating renewable energy, is the first project of its kind for Watercare. The panels help power a pump station, which sends wastewater around one kilometre away to be processed.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Meridian Energy – Charging electric cars in remote areas possible with new charging stations

Fiordland, the West Coast and Aoraki Mount Cook National Park can now be easily reached by electric vehicles thanks to the installation of three new remote public charging stations.

The new stations in Mount Cook Village, Franz Josef and Te Anau were installed by Meridian Energy and YHA New Zealand as part of the government’s Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Ngai Tahu Tourism’s Dark Sky Project educating visitors on importance of looking after environment

The Dark Sky Project is a world-first fully-immersive astronomy experience free of the light pollution of the modern era. It brings together science and tātai aroraki (Māori astronomy) to tell the stories of the night sky in a profound way.

A new home for astronomy and a place to reconnect with the skies above, the $11mil Dark Sky Project tells stories and educates people on the stars we see in the total darkness of night.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Air New Zealand customers in the UK are more than twice as likely to offset the carbon impact of their flights than those based in NZ or Australia

Air New Zealand customers in the United Kingdom are more than twice as likely to offset the carbon impact of their flights than those based in New Zealand or Australia.
28 June 2019
This insight is one of the many gleaned through Air New Zealand’s analysis of customer behavior during the 2019 financial year, with its data revealing views on all aspects of flying – from carbon and connectivity, through to travellers’ favourite inflight drinks and meals.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Home charging electric vehicle technology makes its debut in Bay of Plenty and Tairawhiti Gisborne

New technology that sees electric vehicles supplying electricity to homes and businesses is being introduced in the Bay of Plenty and Tairāwhiti Gisborne, thanks to a partnership between Vector, Eastland Network and Horizon Networks.

The Vehicle to Home (“V2H”) essentially transforms electric vehicles in to mobile batteries, capable of transporting energy wherever it’s needed – be it homes, businesses or appliances, opening up exciting opportunities for customer self-sustainability and network resilience.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Oxygen Consulting joins Climate Leaders Coalition

Oxygen Consulting today joins 101 other organisations committed to reducing carbon emissions, becoming a signatory of the New Zealand Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC).

The CLC was launched in July 2018 to promote business leadership and collective action on the issue of climate change.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Congratulations on Climate Leaders Coalition milestone

The Minister for Climate Change has congratulated New Zealand’s Climate Leaders Coalition on its milestone in now having signed up 100 members.
“This is an incredible achievement considering the Coalition was born out of the vision of some 60 business leaders less than a year ago,” James Shaw said.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Climate Leaders Coalition celebrates its 100th signatory

The Climate Leaders Coalition is celebrating its 100th signatory – agritech and herd improvement co-operative, LIC.
“We established the Coalition nearly a year ago to create a movement for business action on climate change. Over that time we’ve grown from 60 to 100 signatories and continue to gain the momentum we need to help transition New Zealand to a low emissions economy,” Coalition convenor and Z Energy Chief Executive Mike Bennetts says.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Westpac NZ raises funding through green bond

Westpac New Zealand has become the first New Zealand bank to raise funding through the issuance of a green bond.

The 5 year green bond issued by Westpac raised €500 million ($860million) from European investors, to support the funding of climate change solutions.

Reflecting continued growth in international green capital markets, the transaction attracted €1.1billion of interest, across 83 investors, and 20 countries.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Toyota dealers attain highest environmental standard

After nine years of progressively working on environmental initiatives, all 64 Toyota and Lexus dealerships around New Zealand have achieved Enviro-Mark Diamond certification.

Enviro-Mark Diamond certified organisations have a robust environmental management system (EMS) in place to identify significant impacts, develop internal plans to prevent or reduce those impacts, and find opportunities for improvement. The Diamond level exceeds the requirements of ISO 14001, one of the world’s most recognised environmental standards.