
Latest from the Coalition

SBC Hot Seat with Shannil Varma (CLC Manager)

SBC Hot Seat with Shannil Varma (CLC Manager)

This week, we've got Shannil Varma, Manager of the Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC), in the hot seat. Shannil's role sits within the Climate and Nature team at SBC (which is the secretariat organisation for CLC), and he oversees all the day-to-day operations and...

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

CLC and SBC welcome inquiry into bipartisan adaptation framework

SBC and CLC welcome Friday’s announcement from Government around a bipartisan inquiry into an enduring climate adaptation framework for New Zealand, which is consistent with the recommendations we have made in our pre-election policy priorities paper. “Such a...

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Climate change: our next ‘moonshot moment’?

Climate change: our next ‘moonshot moment’?

While some despair about the fate of our planet, award-winning climate scientist James Renwick says it is never too late to take action – and seizing the moment may require a new “moonshot moment” for the 21st century.

If you find yourself grasped by a sense of fatalism regarding the existential threat posed by climate change, James Renwick has some good news – we can always stop things from getting worse.

Victoria University sets out ambitious zero carbon plan

Victoria University sets out ambitious zero carbon plan

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington has today announced an ambitious plan to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030.

It is the first New Zealand university to release a comprehensive emissions management plan towards a net carbon zero future integrated with teaching, learning, and research opportunities. The plan includes a 20 percent reduction in gross greenhouse emissions.

Otago Polytech helps build ‘climate safe house’

Otago Polytech helps build ‘climate safe house’

An all-women group of tradies will help the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust build a “Climate Safe House” at the Home and Living Show, to be held at Forsyth Barr Stadium on 2-3 November.
The house is the brainchild of the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust, and is a result of a partnership with Otago Polytechnic.

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

Lion creates NZ’s first carbon zero beer

Beer drinkers can now save the planet with New Zealand’s first carbon neutral brew.

Christchurch-based craft brewery The Fermentist is the first in the country to receive an Enviro-Mark Solutions carboNZero certification for its Kiwi Pale Ale (KPA).

And it’s aiming for the title of New Zealand’s first carbon neutral brewery next year.

New Zealand’s first hydrogen powered bus coming to Auckland

New Zealand’s first hydrogen powered bus coming to Auckland

Auckland Transport (AT) is buying New Zealand’s first hydrogen fuel cell bus – and it will be built right here in New Zealand.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says, “Transport emissions account for 47 per cent of Auckland’s total carbon emissions, so it’s critical that we transition to a clean transport system as quickly as possible.”

“This trial of hydrogen-powered buses is another important step towards reducing carbon emissions in Auckland, so we can hold climate heating to the Paris Agreement target of 1.5 degrees.”

Otago Polytech supports the Strike 4 Climate

Otago Polytech supports the Strike 4 Climate

Otago Polytechnic staff and students will participate in the Strike 4 Climate on Friday 27 September.
Climate strike organisers have asked individuals and organisations to join with school students in making their voices heard on the issue – and Otago Polytechnic has risen to the challenge.

Ecostore to be carbon-neutral by year end

Ecostore to be carbon-neutral by year end

Ecostore will be among the first in Australasia to go carbon-neutral by Christmas.

The environmentally-friendly home and body care company achieved carboNZero certification for its manufacturing plant back in 2010.