
Latest from the Coalition

Climate Leaders Coalition re-commits to ambitious climate action with new convenor

CLC and SBC welcome inquiry into bipartisan adaptation framework

SBC and CLC welcome Friday’s announcement from Government around a bipartisan inquiry into an enduring climate adaptation framework for New Zealand, which is consistent with the recommendations we have made in our pre-election policy priorities paper. “Such a...

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Z Energy begins scaling up EV network

Z Energy begins scaling up EV network

Co-funding from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) through the Low Emissions Transport Fund (LETF) will enable Z Energy (Z) to take a significant step forward in the scaling up of its EV charging network by supporting EV charging capability at seven Z sites.

LIC – Meet New Zealand’s coolest cows

LIC – Meet New Zealand’s coolest cows

It’s been a hot summer and we’re not the only ones feeling the heat. As temperatures rise globally, heat stress is becoming more common in our national dairy herd too.

Fortunately, Kiwi scientists are one step closer to enabling farmers to breed more heat tolerant cows after a trial found that dairy cows with the ‘slick’ gene are less affected by heat stress compared to their non-slick counterparts.

Meridian and Contact – Southern Green Hydrogen announces shortlist of potential partners

Meridian and Contact – Southern Green Hydrogen announces shortlist of potential partners

Four potential development partners have been shortlisted to build the world’s first large-scale green hydrogen plant in Southland.

Southern Green Hydrogen project, a joint venture between Meridian Energy and Contact Energy, announced on Tuesday the shortlist comprised of Japanese consortium of Mitsui & Co, leading gases and engineering company BOC, Fortescue Future Industries (FFI), a subsidiary of Australian Fortescue Metals Group, and Woodside Energy Limited, Australia’s leading natural gas producer.

Aurecon – further development of electric ferries in Wellington

Aurecon – further development of electric ferries in Wellington

In December, Wellington witnessed a significant milestone towards the decarbonisation of transport with the launch of Ika Rere – the Southern Hemisphere’s first fully electric, high-performance passenger ferry. We speak to Alistair Crossling, Associate Modelling and Analytics at Aurecon, who’s leading the business case for the further development of electric passenger ferry services in Wellington.

thinkstep anz – Your 2022 sustainability workout programme

thinkstep anz – Your 2022 sustainability workout programme

Is your business feeling carbon-heavy? Are your waste bins bulging? Is your product a bit out-of-shape?

Then a sustainability tune-up’s in order! Here’s our four-step sustainability workout programme to help your business trim down, tone up, and stay in shape in 2022. (And if you already have a sustainability programme, early in the year is a great time to review it.)

Freightways invests $2.7m into waste solution venture

Freightways invests $2.7m into waste solution venture

Transport firm Freightways has made a $2.7 million investment into New Zealand operated packaging waste upcycling company SaveBOARD.

The cash has enabled SaveBOARD to open a plant in Te Rapa which became fully operational at the end of last year.

It is now converting up to 4000 tonnes of waste per year into approximately 200,000 construction boards as an innovative solution to the building supplies industry.