Updated GRI 3: 2021 Standard for Material Topics – Session 5 – The Role of B Corp, GRI, SDGs and the Future-Fit Business Benchmark

Updated GRI 3: 2021 Standard for Material Topics – Session 5 – The Role of B Corp, GRI, SDGs and the Future-Fit Business Benchmark

Updated GRI 3: 2021 Standard for Material Topics – Session 5 – The Role of B Corp, GRI, SDGs and the Future-Fit Business Benchmark

How can frameworks like B Corp, SDGs, Future-Fit Business Benchmark and GRI help identify, action and measure impact? In the final session in the series, we’re joined by Julia Jackson of Kiwibank (B Corp) and Juhi Shareef of thl (Future-Fit Business Benchmark) to find out more about how those frameworks have helped identify, action and measure impact. Proxima will throw in some insights on the SDGs and how GRI can add value to reporting impact, regardless of which framework you choose.